Article 1 :

The adult or legal representative of the group declares with his signature having read and understood these regulations. And that he and his group have understood and participated in the initiation briefing. He and his group also declare being aware that this is an autonomous and perilous activity and that they participate at their own risk.

Article 2 :

Before departure, the initiation briefing is mandatory. This course allows you to become acquainted and familiar with the safety rules, the equipment and the different courses.

Article 3 :

The practice of this activity is autonomous. You will be permanently connected to the security cables. It is strictly forbidden to remove, manipulate or undo a harness or knot of your gear. If you have any questions (ex.: WC), you must contact an instructor.

Article 4 :

Adults in charge must attend the children from ground or on course to ensure that safety regulations are followed. Parents or legal representatives leaving the park or not accompanying children must sign a waiver.

Article 5 :

The customer must comply with the age and size regulations of the various courses, as well as at each start of a new course. Exceptions can be made after consultation with the legal guardian. Before changing courses, customers must always contact an instructor.

Article 6 :

The customers are only supervised from the ground by instructors who, if necessary, can intervene or be asked to intervene physically or by voice.

Article 7 :

The customer must meet the necessary physical conditions. The legal representative is the sole judge of his aptitude or the aptitude of his group to carry out this activity.

Article 8 :

The customer, for safety reasons, must tie his long hair (risk of tearing in pulley), empty his pockets (risk of falling objects), remove his personal effects (represents a danger of strangulation or tearing) like earrings, chains, bracelets, bag, helmet etc. and shouldn’t chew gum or eat candy.

Article 9 :

The adventure park cannot be held responsible for the deterioration or loss of personal effects. Objects entrusted to the park also fall within this irresponsibility.

Article 10 :

The activity is prohibited for people suffering from physical or mental disorders or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs or medicine that could affect their vigilance.

Article 11 :

In inclement weather the activity can be dangerous. Under these conditions, the decision to start the activity is specific to the customer and concerns in no way the staff of the park. No reimbursement must necessarily be made.

Article 12 :

The responsibility of the customer or legal representative could be implemented or involved if he or his group have violated the rules of the intern regulations.

Article 13 :

The customer expressly waives any recourse against the park or the owners, in the event of an accident, incident, loss or damage to personal effects or for any other reason.

Article 14 :

Personal protective equipment is loaned as part of the activity. For safety reasons, the customer agrees to keep his equipment throughout the activity for himself. The use of personal equipment is strictly prohibited. In the event of loss of the equipment provided for the activity (harness, 1 double lanyard, 2 carabiners, 1 pulley with its lanyard), it must be reimbursed at the initial purchase price to the park.

Article 15 :

Once the equipment has been issued, the activity is considered to have started and cannot be refunded for any reason (even if the route was only partially completed).

Article 16 :

The park, his staff and owner decline all responsibility in the event of an accident occurring to pedestrians outside the marked trails.

Article 17 :

It is strictly forbidden to smoke on site, to use the facilities without safety equipment and to climb up or down the courses outside the accesses provided for this purpose.

Article 18 :

The park has the right to limit access to any person it deems unsuitable for this activity.

Article 19 :

The park can exclude, without the right to any reimbursement, any person behaving dangerously for themselves or others. In addition, it cannot be held responsible in the event of panic of one or more customers, nor in the event of inclement weather (rain, wind, etc.), phobias or any other incident.

Article 20 :

By beginning the activity, the customer accepts all the terms and conditions of these regulations and performs it at his own risk.     

-the management

Certificate of Excellence 2017